Sport Calgary asks amateur sports groups to implement online Respect education

March 1st, 2016 Activity Leaders, Parents, Respect in Sport

Sport Calgary asks amateur sports groups to implement online Respect education


Sport Calgary is urging all of the city’s amateur sports associations to promote the online Respect In Sport education course, and consider making it mandatory for all parents and coaches working with youth.

They also hope to organize a Sport Summit in the next year inviting representatives from a range of sport organizations to share strategies and solutions for improving respectful behaviour.

In response to Hockey Calgary’s warning last week that bad behaviour among parents and athletes is rising at the rink, Sport Calgary spokeswoman and two-time Olympic gold medallist Catriona Le May Doan says it’s time all parents understand the importance of respectful behaviour at their kids’ sporting events.

“I’ve seen it all, at all levels, as an athlete, as a coach, as a volunteer and as a parent,” said Le May Doan, senior director of community engagement at Sport Calgary. MORE


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