New partnership between Respect Group and Ontario’s Ministry of Education

March 23rd, 2022 Partnerships, Respect Group

Respect Group is proud to partner with the Ontario government for this important initiative. The Ontario government is investing in initiatives that will help keep kids safe in class and online. The funding will support programs that combat sex-trafficking, violence against women, bullying and cyberbullying. Ontario government is acting to protect students through partnerships with community organizations such as Respect Group.

In partnership with Respect Group, the Ontario government will develop resources and tools to equip educators and school staff to identify, address and respond to bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination.

“All adult school leaders, not just teachers, need tools to understand their role in keeping schools safe and free of maltreatment. We applaud the Ontario Ministry of Education for making this a priority.”

– Wayne McNeil, Co-Founder, Respect Group

Links to news releases in both official languages:

Ontario Strengthening Protections Against Bullying and Violence at School | Ontario Newsroom

L’Ontario renforce les protections contre l’intimidation et la violence à l’école | Salle de presse de l’Ontario


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